Sunday 5 January 2014


There are many things written about escorts from the sensational and prurient to the mundane. The subject of high class escorts seems to be a subject matter that never ceases to fascinate, especially in light of some high profile figures embroiled in tabloid furor. Rather than dispel some of the escort myths, this blog will give you a few facts that are less well known.

There are more escorts working in Shimla than you think

Even if you add together all the escorts being advertised online, on weekly supplements and the adult guides to Shimla, the actual number of escorts working in Shimla will be higher. Many escorts are promoted through word of mouth, via exclusive connections or are simply inconspicuous for legal reasons.

Escorts can have several professional aliases

Other than having an escorting alias, some escorts market themselves differently under several aliases. By offering different services, escorts can appeal to a wider range of clients. Also, to appeal to client's unique valuations of an escort service, escorts can even use price differentials to maximise their business.

Most high class escorts are degree educated or above average in intelligence

The stereotype of an attractive bimbo being paid for her time is blown away by statistics; most high class escorts are independent, shrewd and degree educated women who may even have a full time career alongside her escorting job. Although the escort industry is seemingly obsessed with youth, the average age of Escorts in Shimla is in the late 20s. Being an elite escort is not just about youth and perfect looks; an engaging personality and superior social skills are also paramount to success. Just like any competitive sector, up market escorting requires good business acumen.

Escorts have performance anxiety too

In an industry where an escort's reputation could ruin her business, maintaining consistently great reviews requires effort. Clients assume that all elite escorts are assured in their entertainment skills but that is her professional facade. Even very experienced escorts are keen to improve their skills and are rather hard on themselves when it comes to meeting their client's expectations. Many clients admits to feeling inadequate in the company of a high class escort, but the truth is-both parties should relax a bit more.